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Finnish Water Services: Experiences in Global Perspective, pdf

Vesilaitosyhdistyksen verkkokaupan ostotoiminnot ovat väliaikaisesti poissa käytöstä.

Verkkokaupan etusivu Kirjaudu

Kysesssä on julkaisun PDF-versio.


Price 55.00 € plus postage.

Pdf- format (memory stick)

The fluently written text is supported by many photographs and illustrative graphics. This book is a timely contribution to the discussion on water services. In addition to water professionals, the book is suitable for anyone interested in water and its use.

Part I Water Problems, Solutions and Technology Development

1 Introduction to the Importance of Water Services: Case of Finland

2 Trends of International Water Policies from the 1940s to the 2020s

3 History Matters: Major Turning Points in the Evolution of Water Services

4 Networking of Experts since the Early Days

5 Continuous Debate: Selection of Appropriate Raw Water Source

6 Water Efficiency: Will Water Use Per Capita Continue to Decline?

7 Fit to Drink: Evolution of Water Treatment 

8 Demanding Challenge: Aging Water Networks

9 Environmental Protection: Towards Zero Effluents with Water Pollution Control

Part II Operational Environment and Economics of Water Services

10 Ever-Changing Operational Environment

11 Towards Customer- and Citizen-Oriented Water Services

Part III Institutional Development and Governance

12 Institutional Framework and Increasingly Versatile and Complementary Legislation

13 Competence through Education, Research and Development 

14 Professional and Voluntary Collaboration: Associations and Foundations 

15 Public and Private Sector Collaboration

16 Changing International Water Arena 

Part IV Societal Importance and Futures of Water Services

17 Lessons Learnt: Societal Importance of Water Services

18 Towards Futures: Quarter of a Millenium as a Timeframe

19 Implications for International Cooperation and Policy

20 Poetic Epilogue - Keep Services Rolling!

21 References



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